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FNP system
Aug. 28th, 2024 : Technical Datasheet update to reflect the new thickness tolerances criteria subsequent to revision 09 of CCTR, but without moving to the new template (exemption granted by EDF) Aug. 01st, 2023 : First publication of the system. The bi-component products "CENTREPOX PZ NF" and "FREITAPOX SR 215 NF" are renamed "CENTREPOX PZ EVO" and "FREITAPOX SR 215 EVO" following solvent reformulation of the base (hardeners are not reformulated but commercial trade name also changed to avoid confusion). The DI/TEGG note ref. réf. D309522042727 [A], D309522042747 [A] and D309523014113 [A] validated the qualification maintaining of all the FNP systems concerned. FNP1099 system succeeds to the FNP1049 system, on the same codifications with the products of the "EVO" segment. It should be noted that tests were also supported by EDF on the FNP1099 to argue the non-regression of the reformulated system


Codifications published
PED 221
PED 220
PED 222

Coat list

Coat number Product name Thickness Nature of the binder Type of phase Proportion of solvent
1 CENTREPOX PZ EVO 50 µm Epoxy phénolique polyamide SV 33
2 FREITAPOX SR 215 EVO 80 µm Epoxy polyamine SV 20
3 FREITANE 580 70 µm Polyuréthane SV 19
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