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FNP system
March 22nd, 2024 : First publication of FNP1157 system, within qualification scope is watertight protection in temporary or permanent contact (PLB, PLD, PLE and PLJ series) and resistant to a given cracking value up to 0.5 mm (group 351). This system can be used to watertight intrados casing on a concrete support, because it includes the TECTOPROOF CAV45-1 system described in CSTB Technical Notes n°12/16-1740_V1 (TECTOPROOF CA-N) and n°12/16 -1739_V2 (TECTOPROOF CA-R). In this case, the requirements described in these Technical Notes must be respected, in particular those concerning water stops, surface preparation and identification and treatment of singular points, and the recommendations for implementation and control of the process.


Codifications published

Coat list

Coat number Product name Thickness Nature of the binder Type of phase Proportion of solvent
1 ETANPRIM SH 300 g/m² Epoxy SS
2 STRATILAC ELV2 0 - 9000 g/m² Epoxy SS
3 ETANPRIM SHV 800 g/m² Epoxy SS
4 VP45 350 g/m² Renfort
5 ETANPRIM SHV 600 g/m² Epoxy SS
6 ETANPRIM SHV 400 g/m² Epoxy SS
7 ETANPRIM SHV 400 g/m² Epoxy SS
8 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
9 SILICE MI 0,1/0,6
10 SILICE MI 0,4/0,9
11 ETANCOL 303
12 ETANCOL 492