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FNP system
May 20th, 2022: Publication of the Technical Data Sheet for FNP 1147 coating system targeting codification PLK353 - airtightness coating of the extrados of Reactor Building Internal Enclosure (P4-P'4-N4 of PWR French Fleet)


Codifications published
PLK 353

Coat list

Coat number Product name Thickness Nature of the binder Type of phase Proportion of solvent
1 PRIMARE EV2 50 µm epoxy polyamine SS
2 PRIMARE EV2 50 µm epoxy polyamine SS
3 ENDUIT AR 100 EV2 1900 g/m² epoxy polyamine SS
4 FINITION AL8 EV2 730 µm epoxy polyamine SS
5 MAT 300 367 µm
6 FINITION AL8 EV2 730 µm epoxy polyamine SS
7 MAT 300 367 µm
8 FINITION AL8 EV2 235 µm epoxy polyamine SS
9 FINITION AL8 EV2 400 µm epoxy polyamine SS
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