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FNP system
Jan. 4th, 2022 : Flash point correction of thinner 67-232 v02 in the technical datasheet. *****WARNING***** Any intervention on STRIAFORM and/or STRIASOL 500 SP v02 once installed (sanding, grinding ...) requires to wear a P3 mask due to the possible emission of carcinogenic dust.


Codifications published

Coat list

Coat number Product name Thickness Nature of the binder Type of phase Proportion of solvent
1 STRIAFORM 0 à 5000 µm Epoxy/Adduct polyamine SS
2 RESINE MULTICOUCHE V01 360 µm Epoxy/Amine SV 2
3 STRIASOL 500 SP V02 500 µm Epoxy/Adduct polyamine SV 4.5

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